26 Facts About 26-Year-Old Me

It’s my birthday! In honor of turning a year older, I thought I’d share a few things about my 26-year-old self. Some of the basics are covered on my About Me page, but I included a bunch of random facts you may not know!

  • I’m originally from Michigan, went to college in St Louis, then moved to Kansas City. I moved back to Michigan in fall 2018.
  • I’m very much so an Enneagram Type 1, specifically 1w9.
  • I’m getting married in September! My fiancé’s name is Hugh. (You can read about how we got engaged in this post!)
  • I’m obsessed with all things mini and giant (like those huge baskets in Target!).
  • I could only eat small plates and grazing-table-style dinners forever. I love sampling lots of foods!
  • I have an older sister (and a brother in law (plus two more soon!). I love being Aunt Megan to their two kids.
Christmas Eve last year with my parents, sister and brother-in-law, niece and nephew, and fiancé
  • I danced from when I was four through middle school, but didn’t play sports past 3rd grade.
  • However, I love college football and March Madness basketball.
  • I studied Mechanical Engineering in college and I’m currently a manufacturing engineer.
  • I love to cook (and have gotten a lot better at not needing a recipe recently!).
  • I really enjoy elaborately decorating cupcakes and making cake balls, especially with a theme.
Cake balls and cards I made friends for college graduation
  • I listen to a lot of podcasts (this post has a bunch of recommendations!)
  • Picking favorites of any kind is really challenging for me.
  • I love playing board and card games but nothing too intensely strategic.
  • Growing up, I had a huge stuffed animal collection. They all had names (shout out to Double Muffin, Cinnamon Toast, and Frankie!).
  • My drink-of-choice is usually sparkling wine or citrusy vodka cocktails.
Isn’t this glass the cutest?! Probably remaking this blood orange cocktail tonight! (I shared the recipe in FF#24)
  • The crispier the fries the better.
  • I don’t like peppers.
  • My worst bad habit is picking at or squeezing anything on my face.
  • I went to a private school for grades K-8, a public high school, then a private college.
  • I hate losing more than I like winning.
  • On the water (specifically on a lake) is my happy place.
On the family boat on Houghton Lake.
  • I think the greatest time of year (other than Christmas) is the fall.
  • My love language is Quality Time.
  • I rewatch Gilmore Girls and Friends over and over.
  • I like most kinds of music, but hate choosing songs (thank you, Spotify playlists and Daily Mixes!).

Do you relate to any of these?

I’d love to hear what we have in common! Comment below.

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