Friday Five – Things I’m Loving #30

30?!? How is this week 30 of this blog? It still feels like I just started.

Anyway, happy Friday, friends! Hugh’s best man is in town this weekend, which is fun. I’m going to dinner and drinks with some girlfriends tonight and seeing my fam on Sunday. What are you up to this weekend?

Let’s get into this week’s Five things I’m loving!

Surprise visits

I didn’t mention this last Friday just in case she looked at the blog, but I surprised my aunt in North Carolina for her birthday last weekend! A group of us surprised her by showing up Thursday, Friday, and Saturday – it was so much fun! We rented a big van and checked out a few wineries. My cousin and her husband are amazing hosts, so we had home-catered lunch packed complete with little charcuterie boxes and “Linda’s 60th Birthday” stickers! Spending a few days with your people is the best, isn’t it?

Bombas socks

Looking around as we all sat on the couch this weekend, I noticed almost all of us were wearing Bombas socks. And I realized I hadn’t included them in a Friday Five yet! These socks are just better than regular socks. They support your arches and don’t move on your feet. You won’t understand until you try them. Trust me. It’s also awesome the company donates a pair to someone in need for every pair purchased.


To mix things up this week, I got us tickets to an improv show in Ferndale for date night. It was so much fun! The tickets were like $10 each and we got to stay for both 1-hour shows. We were laughing out loud and really impressed with the talent. I recommend finding a comedy club near you! Weeknight shows are typically newer talent, making them really reasonably priced but super funny.


This Instagram account posts videos of people doing ridiculous things to get a photo “for the gram.” They’re seriously entertaining!

Birthday cakes

My cousin made an amazing ice cream cake for my aunt last week. Our friend who’s in town this weekend’s birthday is next Sunday, so I made him a cake today! He’s vegan, but finding a vegan recipe is pretty easy with Pinterest. I decided to make up my own flavor combo inspired by a few different recipes online – lemon cake with a lemon and gin soaking syrup and blueberry buttercream! I’m excited for us all to try it tonight. I’m a little disappointed it’s pink, but I think Ben will still love it!

Okay that’s my Five this week! Time to get ready for girls’ night.

How about you?

Do you always follow a recipe exactly or do you riff off one and make it your own? What’s the best cake flavor combo you’ve ever had? I’d love to hear! Comment below or reach out on Instagram.

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