Friday Five – Thing I’m Loving #44

Happy Friday! We’re headed up to the Cottage again this weekend. I’m so grateful for somewhere close by (ish) to use to get away from the apartment. It’s gonna be chilly, but oh well!

How was your week? Are things starting to open back up around you? Are you doing okay? I know a lot of painful things are coming to light this week and I’m honestly at a loss for words. But these are important conversations to have and I’m happy to see people stepping up to encourage anti-racism actions. Between tragic, horrifying stories and continued COVID lockdowns, I hope you’re taking care of yourself and connecting with loved ones.

Hopefully hearing about five things I’m into this week will bring some levity to your Friday! Let’s go.

Limoncello LaCroix

I’ve been chain-drinking this new flavor of LaCroix all week! I love citrus drinks and this one is honestly fantastic.

This episode of 10 Things To Tell You

I’ve included other episodes of Laura Tremaine’s podcasts on Friday Fives and my podcast post, but wanted to share this week’s episode specifically. Laura and her friend have a great conversation about social shaming during COVID-19 and as we all come out of quarantine at different rates. I believe we all need to be having these conversations and be open with our circles about what we’re doing. Give it a listen!

Chimichurri sauce


I’m pretty sure everyone is a little sick of preparing meals at home by this point of quarantine. Other than trying out more new recipes (this post might give you some dinner ideas), adding a sauce to one of your regular dishes is a great way to change things up! Chimichurri is a herby, garlicy sauce that goes with pretty much anything (steak, chicken, veggies, potatoes, grains, all the things). Modern Proper’s recipe is so easy and delicious!

Core De Force Hybrid Calendar

Our gym is still closed, so I’ve continued working out at home. After finishing Insanity MAX:30 a few weeks ago, I wanted a totally different program. Core De Force is another one on BeachBodyOnDemand and is so fun! It’s MMA-based so a mix of punches, knees, and elbows. The coaches are a little cheesy, but I like them! I chose to mix it up with the “Hybrid Calendar,” which substitutes cardio and strength workouts from other programs instead of sticking with the Core De Force videos all the time. And my sister is doing a similar schedule! We’ve been doing the weekend workouts together.

Silicone rings

I don’t like wearing my diamond ring to swim in the lake, use most cleaning chemicals, and lift weights. But I already feel naked without my ring on! I got silicone wedding rings on Amazon to wear when my real ring is at risk. There are a lot of options out there, but these are less than $13 for 8 different colors!

Okay, that’s it for this week! Stay safe and healthy, friends.

What’s your favorite flavor of sparkling water?

We’re LaCroix people, but do you love something else? Waterloo? Spindrift? I’d love to hear which are your faves. Comment below!

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