Friday Five – Things I’m Loving #26

Happy Friday! Today is Hugh’s birthday, so we have lots of fun things planned today and this weekend! Starting with a fancy steakhouse dinner tonight. What are you up to this weekend?

We’re officially down to one car to share now, and so far so good! Hugh has (supposedly) been enjoying his half mile walk to/from work when our schedules call for it – we’ll see if that lasts! I think it’ll be worth that mega money saved even if I end up with another car 6 months from now.

Let’s dive into this week’s Five!

Hugh’s birthday week

I love birthdays. Hugh’s family has never made a huge deal of them, but I’m on a mission to make him see how great they can be! Starting Monday, I had a little gift and homemade card every day to prolong the celebration! He’s a sucker for words of affirmation, so these notes are a fun way to make him feel loved this week. We’re having a small birthday party tomorrow night and lunch with my fam on Sunday, too!

The Model Health Show Episode 393

This podcast episode was interesting! Shawn and his guest, Dr. Kelly McGonigal, spoke about the connection between movement, joy, and human connection. She shares some fascinating research about how much better we can experience happiness and pleasure when moving our bodies regularly, as well as a lot of other cool connections. The Model Health Show is one of my favorite educational podcasts, but I listed a bunch of different kinds of them in my Podcasts That Will Make Your Life Better post – check it out!

Collagen water

Honestly, I mostly just drink regular water (and my morning coffee), but love mixing things up once in a while! I’ve tried a few flavors of Vital Proteins’ Collagen water and love it! I often add collagen peptides powders to my coffee and smoothies, but these bottled flavored water already have it mixed in. You can find it at most health food stores and Costco.

Dinner with girlfriends

Wednesday, I went out to (happy hour) dinner with some girlfriends and it was so nice! I’ve been a part of this Meetup (and Facebook) group of women in their mid-twenties to early-thirties in my area sine last spring or so. We get together every couple weeks. There are a solid number of girls who are there most get-togethers that I’m actually getting close with and always a couple new faces. Definitely never regret carving out a couple nights a month for girl time.

Daily Mix playlists on Spotify

I love all kinds of music (I’ll seriously listen and enjoy almost any genre), but hate picking what to play. The Daily Mix playlists Spotify will make for you are perfect! There are five or six specifically made for you based on what you’ve been listening to, but drop in a lot of new music that fit with the other songs. And they’re different every day! Love it.

This week’s Five were pretty random, but there you have it! Happy Hugh’s birthday, everyone! Have a great weekend.

Do YOU celebrate Birthday Week?

My guy friends in college used to give me crap for celebrating my birthday for more than a day. How ’bout you? Birthday Week? Month? I’d love to hear how you like to celebrate yours or your loved ones’! Comment below.

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