Friday Five – Things I’m Loving #45

Hi, friends.

I don’t want to say much, but consistently posting these Friday Five posts is really important to me. I considered including only content created by BIPOC; however, I didn’t want to force it. There are a couple other random things this week, too.


It was really powerful to see white people and companies mute their feeds this week to amplify black voices and show support of the Black Lives Matters movement. So many people shared resources, content, and accounts to follow. I liked the Popcast’s resource round-up post and several others on Instagram. I’ve been trying to bring diversity to my social media feeds for a few months, but this flood of recommendations was so welcome. I hope people keep it up!

Brené Brown’s podcast episode with Ibram X. Kendi

I’m a new listener of Brené’s podcast, but couldn’t miss this week’s episode with the author of How to Be an Antiracist (and so many more books). Their conversation was enlightening and interesting.

Seeing friends

We saw friends in person or on Zoom every weeknight this week! I had a few drinks at a girlfriends’ deck and we played yard games and ate Chipotle with another couple yesterday. It felt so good to be back with people! We’ve been seeing my fam, but hanging out with friends is just different, ya know? Kinda feel like we’re making progress towards normalcy.

HarperIman dolls

A snapshot of their Instagram feed

This one is a little random but these dolls are so freaking cute! Someone on Instagram shared this black-owned company that makes adorable handmade dolls. Aren’t they incredible? Here’s their website and Instagram.

Rush by Lisa Patton

I finished this novel this week and really enjoyed it. It takes place on campus at Ole Miss from the perspective of a college freshman who doesn’t quite fit into the elite sororities, an alum/mother of another girl rushing, and the long-time housekeeper trying to become the first black House Director on campus (or any SEC school, really). It’s a fun story, but also makes you think.

Okay, that’s my Five this week. Have a good weekend, friends.

How are you doing?

Like actually, how are you doing today? It’s been a hard week(s) for a lot of people. Feel free to reach out to talk or connect!

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