Friday Five – Things I’m Loving #16

Happy Friday, friends! This afternoon has been a little hectic, but I’m finally slowing down to finish up this post before prepping a bunch of food I volunteered to bring to Friendsgiving tomorrow. I’m trying to remind myself that I chose to get all this done this afternoon and it’s all stuff I like to do, but it’s a little overwhelming.

I won’t let that keep me from sharing five things I’m loving this week, though! Here they are.

St Louis

Hugh and I spent the holiday weekend visiting friends in St Louis! That’s where we went to college (and met), and a lot of our closest friends still live there. We also got to see my aunt, uncle, and four cousins! It was great to catch up with everyone. We were having such a good time that we didn’t take any good photos! Now I need to take my own advice from my post about keeping up old friendships and get another visit or trip on the calendar.


TheSkimm started as just a daily newsletter, which covers the daily news in a witty, short-and-sweet email for you to skim. They’ve since grown with their two podcasts and book, How to Skimm Your Life. They also have a lot of content on their website that makes adulting topics like elections, finances, and taxes easy to understand. I talked about their Skimm’d from the Couch podcast on Friday Five #2 and have continued to love every episode. The founders, Carly and Danielle, are inspiring. I like following businesses that create fun and empowering cultures for their employees, and the Skimm definitely does that.

Apple Cider Vinegar

I’ve been drinking an apple cider vinegar (ACV) drink almost every day for a few weeks now. I had to get used to the taste, but I drink it with LaCroix, and sometimes lemon juice and cayenne pepper. I know, it sounds weird! But the heat is actually really good! And supposedly helps your metabolism. It tastes like a spicy kombucha? Some of the benefits of ACV are lower blood sugar, reduced fat storage and a suppressed appetite (read more in this mindbodygreen article). I drink it in the morning or afternoon between meals.

Online communities

Finding a real life community can be hard. I’ve begun to appreciate connections online more and more! This can be a social media group, blogger following, or even just commenters on a post anywhere on the internet. I love knowing that other people share my interest and are consuming the same things as I am. In my Guide to Holiday Gift Guides this week, I mention a few newsletters. This is a great way to feel connected to an online community without falling into a scrolling black hole on Facebook or Instagram.

Speaking of online communities, today I participated in Laura Tremaine’s One Day Hour by Hour challenge! For this annual challenge, thousands of people who follow Laura all over the world document their days every hour (or so) using the hashtag #OneDayHH. I’ve really enjoyed looking at what others’ everyday lives look like! That’s the point – to share normal life that we don’t usually see on a curated Instagram feed. And to have fun! Here’s her 10ThingsToTellYou podcast episode and blog post about it if you’re curious.

Reusable K-Cups

I have always had a Keurig coffee maker. I love that you can make just a cup at a time! We have the K-Select version which can make 4-32 oz at a time. The single-use K-cup/mugs can get expensive and wasteful, so we use a reusable cup instead. I have this small one from Target and this carafe-sized one.

Okay that’s five! Time to prep my pumpkin cheeseballs and salad for tomorrow’s Friendsgiving. Have a great weekend!

What are YOU loving this week?

Any recommendations or things bringing you joy? I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

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