Friday Five – Things I’m Loving #55

It’s been a minute since I’ve done a Friday Five post! Hi! I haven’t shared Things I’m Loving in a couple months, but kept building a list – picking just five was really hard…

Hugh and I kicked off our Friday with a CycleBar spin class. He had never been and it was so fun to go together! We may need to get him cycling shoes if this becomes a thing (his feet were numb by the end because their biggest shoes were half a size too small 🙃).

This photo is from last week (on the 4th), but I’m trying to channel these summer vibes while back at work this week. Let’s get into it.

Microsoft To Do

For too long, I was trying to juggle a work to do list on my work computer, physical list on my planner, and random tasks in my head. Not sustainable or successful. I started using To Do (an app that’s part of the Office suite) a few months ago and it has helped so much! I have it on both phones (personal and work) and am now in the habit on capturing everything that pops into my head as a task – even little things like emptying the dishwasher or putting the compost out on pickup day. It has really helped clear some mental load now that I know I can’t forgot what needs to be done! You can categorize, make different lists and groups, and prioritize/set due dates. You can also add tasks to “My Day” to easily see your priorities.

Loryn Powell videos

This girl is so funny. She’s coined the term “seltzpert” and makes many videos trialing every hard seltzer on earth. She’s punny and clever and entertaining. Check her out on Insta.

Liason The Lash Bond serum

Years ago, I used the Ronan+Fields lash growth serum and it was incredible. My lashes got almost too long and spidery. It was expensive, but so effective. Then they changed their formula or I developed some kind of allergy because the next tube made my eyes red and goopy (ick!). I discovered the Liason option while researching an alternative serum for my mom’s Christmas present. It’s so much cheaper and it works! I just got my second tube.

Michigan summers

Yeah, this is cheesy and random, but summers really are the best time in Michigan. We spent the week of the 4th Up North at the lake with my fam and snuck away to Traverse City for a night. The week was filled with swimming and boating, rides to DQ on the golf cart, Peloton classes, board games, and quality family time.

Yasso mint chocolate chip bars

These frozen Greek yogurt bars are so delicious and only 100 Calories. Try them – trust me.

Okay that’s this week’s Five! Gonna wrap this workweek up now and get to the weekend. Have a good one, friend.

What have YOU been loving lately?

I’m open to any and all recommendations. Tried something new? Loving a summertime activity? Tip/trick you’d like to share? Comment below or reach out on Instagram!

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