Friday Five – Things I’m Loving #39

Happy Friday! I’m still in Kokomo, Indiana working on this ventilator project, but should be going home this weekend or early next week! It’s been a whirlwind of a month and my part is almost complete. It’s been really fulfilling; however, I’m ready to get out of this hotel room.

How are you this week? Is the weather getting better where you live? I’m excited to work from home on my balcony when I get back to Michigan, even if I have to bundle up for a few more weeks.

My Five this week was a little challenging. I’m not trying a lot of new things to doing a lot and I’m my myself in a hotel room when not at work. But I prioritized writing a Friday Five post every week even though this craziness. I hope you find value in even just one of my things! Here we go.

Hart of Dixie

I watched all four seasons of this show on Netflix a few years ago, but have been rewatching chunks of episodes recently. You should check it out! It’s full of small town charm, attractive and fun characters, and hilarious drama.

My wedding countdown block

This photo represents this time in my life so well – wedding countdown, face mask and Clorox wipes, and a hotel room key!

This engagement present from my aunt has been such a light every day! I made sure to bring it to Kokomo to keep some normalcy in my life. I have a countdown on my phone, but it’s so much more fun to physically change the number every night. I get excited each time!

Virtual game nights and I had virtual game nights twice this week – once with my parents and sister & brother in law and another with friends from college. I laughed so much! The family played a few differnet online games – my favorite being Quiplash XL. The other night we played Code Words Online, which was really hard, but definitely fun.

Shape of Pasta

This docuseries on Quibi was really well made. It follows a Californian chef as he travels around small villages in Italy learning from masters how to make obscure shapes of pasta. His mission is to preserve these dying traditions. I liked brushing up on my Italian and it inspired me to make handmade pasta when I get home next week!

Chipotle leftovers

This one’s pretty random, but it was a mini joy this morning! Though I haven’t been getting take out barely at all during quarantine, I picked up a Chiptole steak burrito bowl for dinner last night. I didnt quite finish it, so mixed in some hard boiled eggs and extra pico for breakfast today! Such a yummy start to a Friday.

What are you loving this week?

Are you finding mini joys, too? Comment below with something that made you smile this week!

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